Ecologismo y ficción. Acción simbólica y mirada apocalíptica en Greenpeace

  • Adolfo Miranda
Palabras clave: Greenpeace, Symbolical action, Information, Apocalyptical look, Cognitive mediation


The author analyses the news campaigns of ecologist organisation Greenpeace as a series of symbolical actions with a special effectiveness, which explain their success and diffusion in distant and different audiences. He analyses the factor that contribute to that success, such as the link between local phenomena and global problems, the importance of concrete actions, the intermediating relationship or the witnessing and ethical value of each action. The apocalyptical look in these campaigns creates a diverse imaginary whose importance is evaluated in their positive or doubtful elements.


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Cómo citar
Miranda A. (2007). Ecologismo y ficción. Acción simbólica y mirada apocalíptica en Greenpeace. CIC. Cuadernos de Información y Comunicación, 12, 137-150.